SEO writing content : A comprehensive guide

SEO writers are significant players in the online world as their work is fundamental to digital marketing. But what is SEO writing content, and how do you go about writing such texts ? If you want to manage your website’s content strategy yourself, here’s everything you need to know about this field to help you.  

What is SEO content writing ?

SEO writing content is a fundamental discipline in digital marketing. It involves creating textual content for a website’s web pages. SEO content must include titles, paragraphs, keywords, images, links, and metadata. Unlike ordinary writing, it is crafted and written according to strict SEO rules. Its execution requires the application and mastery of various SEO techniques.

Given its implementation, SEO writing is primarily targeted towards search engine algorithms. Its mission is to optimize web pages for these analytical robots so that they are better understood and indexed. All writing processes are therefore oriented towards this goal, from the selection of words used to the construction of the plan. Through these types of texts, writers contribute to the positioning of a site in search results.

Furthermore, SEO writing also acts as a magnet for visitors and a real engagement lever. Its content must therefore meet the expectations of Internet users, whether in terms of theme, fluidity, or relevance. They should provide useful information, easy to assimilate, and stimulate engagement from its readers. 

What is SEO-friendly content writing ?

To answer the question of what SEO-friendly content writing is, the best approach is to first understand what “SEO-friendly” means. It refers to the enhanced optimization of content or other elements of a website so that they are well-received by search engine algorithms. 

In summary, SEO-friendly content writing is the ultimate step in content optimization. Texts written in this context are specifically designed and structured strictly to perfectly match the requirements of search engine algorithms. Simultaneously, they must also ensure a pleasant and useful experience for the site’s visitors.

To fulfill their mission, SEO-friendly content must meet several criteria. They should include carefully selected keywords based on specific searches, catchy headlines, optimized meta descriptions, a well-structured outline, high-quality URLs, and impactful visuals.

The essential steps of SEO content writing

SEO content writing is a distinct discipline requiring a structured approach. Typically entrusted to a professional in the field, known as an SEO writer, it can be mastered by anyone proficient in the nuances of the written language. Following best practices, crafting effective SEO content involves proceeding methodically and adhering to SEO guidelines. 

Keyword research

In content writing, the rule dictates that work begins with keyword research. This step involves a thorough analysis of terms used by internet users during online searches. It’s crucial to select relevant keywords aligned with the content topic, considering search volume and competition levels for each term. Meticulous research helps identify opportunities and guides content creation.


Once you have your keywords, you can proceed with documentation. This involves gathering all the information necessary to address the article’s subject thoroughly. Solid documentation ensures the reliability and authenticity of your web content, thereby enhancing your credibility in the eyes of readers and search engines. To achieve this, you can consult websites related to the topic, books, expert reports, or even interview professionals.

Text writing

During the text writing process, use clear, concise language tailored to the target audience. It’s important to write engaging and informative content while seamlessly integrating keywords in a natural and fluid manner. The quality of the text is paramount to captivate readers’ attention and achieve a high ranking in search results.

Text optimization

In SEO writing, text optimization is a crucial step. It involves adjusting keywords within the content, HTML tags, and metadata while ensuring the quality and readability of the text are maintained. Thoughtful optimization enhances search engine understanding of the topic and promotes better placement in search results.

Insertion of images and links

Incorporating images, infographics, videos, and links enhances content richness and improves user experience. These elements capture readers’ attention and make the content more engaging. As for internal and external links, their usage helps strengthen the authority and credibility of the content. A strategic use of images and links therefore contributes to enhancing ranking in search results.

Metadata writing

Metadata, such as title tags and meta descriptions, play a crucial role in content optimization. They provide concise information about the page’s content to search engines and users, significantly influencing click-through rates and positioning in search results.

How to write SEO content effectively ?

To write effective SEO content, first ensure to tailor the length of the text to its specific purpose, prioritizing relevance and conciseness. Choose trending topics and use sought-after keywords to attract targeted traffic. Pay attention to SEO tags such as the title, meta-description, and Hn tag structure for improved readability and understanding by search engines.

Incorporate an effective internal linking structure and links to other relevant content, placing these links strategically to maximize their impact. Monitor incoming links to avoid low-quality practices. Also, refine ALT tags for all images to ensure accessibility and SEO. Lastly, optimize your page URLs and ensure their proper indexing.